Bender Gallery - Abstract Meditations

Abstract Meditations
Helmut Barnett
October 1 - October 23, 2022
Helmut Barnett _br_ 
Abstract Meditations

Bender Gallery is proud to present Abstract Meditations, a solo exhibition of paintings, drawings, and collage by Helmut Barnett, a popular mixed media artist from Austin, Texas.  Barnett’s vast and varied body of work is complex, colorful, precisely executed and the product of an organized and clever mind. Barnett is a dedicated devotee of the early abstract artists of the 20th century which lends a distinct modern retro feel to Barnett’s oeuvre. The exhibition opens with an artist’s reception on Saturday, October 1 from 6-9 pm and runs through October 23. Barnett will be in attendance and available for discussion.

Barnett is a consummate abstractionist with a soft spot for surrealism. His colorful works are original and intelligent with frequent nods to Kandinsky, Malevich, Mondrian and Miro. Occasionally Barnett will sneak in recognizable figures in his compositions, provoking further questions in the viewer’s mind. A common theme of Barnett’s work is the multi-faced connection with life which is delightfully evident in his amazing collages. Barnett’s work is modern, approachable, and encourages interaction with the viewer. They are as interesting as they are beautiful.

The works in Abstract Meditations range from offbeat small drawings to collages and mixed media, to monumental acrylic paintings. Barnett states, “As an American Abstract Artist, I work in many contemporary media and images. Geometric and organic forms in oil and acrylic on large canvases, mixed media drawings on paper using acrylic, oil, solvent transfer and collage”.

Born in Stuttgart, Germany in 1946, Barnett moved to Abilene, TX with his family 1957. After finishing high school in Chicago, Barnett served four years in the US Air Force and then earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Texas in 1974. He lives in Austin with his wife and works out of a 100-year-old studio in the heart of downtown. A dedicated and disciplined artist, he often works 50 hours a week, including weekends, and still finds time to swim laps every day.

View Barnett's Available Work